The following photographs were taken during May and June of 1999. Dr Carlson
has included many, but not all, of the
buildings on this campus. Dr Carlson wanted to provide a view of our campus during a beautiful time of the year in Iowa.
The descriptions given for each photograph may not be complete, but are intended to only give the reader a glimpse
or flavor for the many activities that take place here.
Reiman Gardens
Reiman-Mahlstede Center
Iowa State Center
Hilton Coliseum
C Y Stephens Auditorium
Fisher Theater
The Campanile
Beardshear Hall
Beardshear Hall-Green Dome
Beardshear Hall-George Washington Carver
Physics Hall
Curtiss Hall
Agronomy Hall
Agronomy Hall-My office
Agronomy Hall-Court Yard
Agronomy Hall-Northeast
Horticulture Hall
Seed Science
Parks Library
Parks Library-Glass
Parks Library-Statue
The Hub
Alumni Hall
Catt Hall
Catt Hall #2
Kildee Hall
Black Engineering
Howe Hall
Howe Hall Close Up
Food Science Building
Molecular Biology Building
Molecular Biology G-nomes
Soil Tilth Lab
Student Health Center
Sweeney Hall
Chemistry Building
Design College
Design College Close Up
Town Engineering
Memorial Unnion
Memorial Union-Lake LaVerne
Music Hall
Marston Hall
Ross Hall
Durham Center
Bessey Hall
Beyer Hall
State Gymnasium
Lied Recreation Athletic Facility
Intramural Field
Friley Hall
Animal Science-Barns
The Farm House
Sloss House
Osborne Cottage
Landscape Architecture
Hamilton Hall
Dairy Industry
Heady and East Hall
Morrill Hall - front
Morrill Hall - side
Davidson Hall and the Armory
Science II & Prairie
MacKay Hall
Human Nutritional Sciences Building
Palmer Building Playground
The Knoll
Lagomarcino Hall
Memorial Union-Path
Lake LaVerne
Walking to Catt Hall
Curtiss Hall and Campanile-Campus
MacKay and Lebaron Hall
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