Springtime Scenes of Iowa State University

The following photographs were taken during May and June of 1999. Dr Carlson has included many, but not all, of the buildings on this campus. Dr Carlson wanted to provide a view of our campus during a beautiful time of the year in Iowa. The descriptions given for each photograph may not be complete, but are intended to only give the reader a glimpse or flavor for the many activities that take place here.

Jack Trice Stadium
Reiman Gardens
Reiman-Mahlstede Center
Iowa State Center
Hilton Coliseum
C Y Stephens Auditorium
Fisher Theater
The Campanile
Beardshear Hall
Beardshear Hall-Green Dome
Beardshear Hall-George Washington Carver
Physics Hall
Curtiss Hall
Agronomy Hall
Agronomy Hall-My office
Agronomy Hall-Court Yard
Agronomy Hall-Northeast
Horticulture Hall
Seed Science
Parks Library
Parks Library-Glass
Parks Library-Statue
The Hub
Alumni Hall
Catt Hall
Catt Hall #2
Kildee Hall
Black Engineering
Howe Hall
Howe Hall Close Up
Food Science Building
Molecular Biology Building
Molecular Biology G-nomes
Soil Tilth Lab
Student Health Center
Sweeney Hall
Chemistry Building
Design College
Design College Close Up
Town Engineering
Memorial Unnion
Memorial Union-Lake LaVerne
Music Hall
Marston Hall
Ross Hall
Durham Center
Bessey Hall
Beyer Hall
State Gymnasium
Lied Recreation Athletic Facility
Intramural Field
Friley Hall
Animal Science-Barns
The Farm House
Sloss House
Osborne Cottage
Landscape Architecture
Hamilton Hall
Dairy Industry
Heady and East Hall
Morrill Hall - front
Morrill Hall - side
Davidson Hall and the Armory
Science II & Prairie
MacKay Hall
Human Nutritional Sciences Building
Palmer Building Playground
The Knoll
Lagomarcino Hall
Memorial Union-Path
Lake LaVerne
Walking to Catt Hall
Curtiss Hall and Campanile-Campus
MacKay and Lebaron Hall

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© Richard Carlson