Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science
Developing, Implementing, and Sharing Constructivist Learning Resources
COMET® Video Library
The COMET® Program Video Library is a collection of videos and animations that have been extracted from COMET® Forecaster's Multimedia
Library CD-ROMs. To view these products, use one of the search options and click on a subsequent link.
Search Options:
There are three different ways to search the COMET® video files:
1.You can try a new search on the descriptions of the files.
2. You can try to search on a list of keywords that are common among files.
3. You can also search for a movie by looking at special subject groups. These
are files that are grouped together, becuase of their common theme.
Best of COMET®:
The Best of COMET is a subset of the COMET files that have been positively reviewed by students at Iowa State University. These files
will show up with this icon,
in the search results.
QuickTime 4 does an excellent job of viewing the movie files, download it here.
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URL: http://www.pals.iastate.edu
COMET® is a registered Trademark of the
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research