Partnerships to Advance Learning in Science
Developing, Implementing, and Sharing Constructivist Learning Resources
Archive Wx
Archived Weather Data:
The PALS server contains a rather large archive of weather data plots. These weather data plots are used in support of the
Severe Weather Forecasting Activity. These plots are stored by the day
they are valid for. You can browse though the archive of data by following this link. Data
retrieved from this archive should be used for educational and research use only.
Besides the archive of weather data plots, PALS has a couple of other related projects.
- Historical Iowa Weather Data
- This site has moved to the Iowa Environmental Mesonet Server.
- Weather on Your Birthday
- If you where born in Iowa and curious about the weather on your birthday, click on this link and find out!
- National Weather Service Text Product Archive
- This project includes a searchable archive of National Weather Service Severe Text Products.
The archive is valid since June 1999 and is still being developed. It is currently not in a usable
state and more work needs to be done.
- Historical Radar Looper
- This application loops historical 5 minute radar data.